Labels:daily | earth | gazette | grass | reckoner | sky | tribute album | water OCR: what brought about their sophis ticated art and technology? We'l1 unravel the mysteries of the Moche as we travel to northern Peru view dra ima tic Moche pyramids and ceremonial plat forms rising out of beautiful agricultural valleys and examine the amazing Moche treasures now housed the Bruning Archaeological Museurm We alsc visit the immense Moche pyra mid complex of Tucume and the ancient Chimu capital of Chan Chan conquered by the Incas our journey into Peru's past wouidn't be complete without seeing Peru's finest Inca ruins and We'11 have an overnight at the most famous of them al1 Machu Picchu. We'11 a1so enjoy "flightseeing' above the myste rious Nazca Lines, giant geo met trical designs drawn 1n the desert thousands of years ago yet visible only from the air therr dramatic byramids ...